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Project: Adapt - Develop: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 3) Page 9

  The sound of a sliding metallic door filled the corridor.

  “If you’re done conversing, then let us enter,” Mafari said. “It’s getting late, and I still have work to do before I turn in for the day.”

  My cheeks warmed in embarrassment.

  I knew the afternoon wasn’t going as planned, and I had perhaps prolonged this trip, but I blamed Karfic and the lack of prior warning about the properties of the sealed chamber.

  Not wanting to waste any more of the irritable old geologist’s time, I nodded. “Please lead on.”

  “I’ll bring up the back in case you need help descending,” Karfic announced.

  Mafari waved him off. “You know what to do. Let’s go.”

  The emerald Trr’kiki crossed the doorway and disappeared beyond its threshold, his tail swaying at his feet.

  “Let me go first.” Xylo released me and headed to the entrance, looking over his shoulder toward me. “I don’t see any light for some distance. You can use my bioluminescence to lead you through the cave.”

  Smiling, I nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

  Following Xylo through the entrance, I carefully traced his steps along the rough pathway. Using his vines as support, I dodged the numerous stalagmites, my eyes straining in the light that radiated off his patterns and the faint glow of my spots.

  The four of us descended in silence. The only noise came from our steps and dripping water echoing off the walls.

  The atmosphere felt eerie, especially with Karfic behind me, probably watching every move I made. I had to suppress a shiver that threatened to rack my body. Without the comfort Xylo’s vines provided while wrapped around my wrists, I probably would’ve been hugging myself to calm my nerves or grudgingly accepting Karfic’s hand to lead me to our destination.

  The further we descended, the more I just wanted to be home and alone with my clan, lying under the stars along the poolside.

  Meeting new people was stressful.

  A faint glow grew brighter and brighter as we approached a bend in the tunnel.

  Mafari held onto the cave wall as we turned the long curve. With each step we made, the more light filtered through the exit. He halted at the end of the tunnel and inhaled a deep breath as his tail swayed happily.

  “We are here.”

  Chapter Eight


  Xylo had never before wished he possessed Kaede’s reputation as a ruthless killer. Now, for once in his life, he wished for even more infamy than the stubborn male’s name carried.

  If he weren’t on a date with his nestqueen and trying to gather answers she’d wondered about, he would’ve put the Karfic in his place. It was one thing to make advances on a female, but to do so in front of her lover was unforgivably rude.

  He could tolerate other Circuli males and their longing. Stars, that was how he had ended up with Odelm as a nestbrother. But Odelm knew the unspoken rules of courting a female and often made his attempts whenever Xylo wasn’t around.

  Zirene didn’t count, because Selena had technically been his before she had even met him. Even if he hadn’t, the prince was the reason why they were together on Destima at all.

  He couldn’t fault the male—much.

  If Zirene ever broke his nestqueen’s heart once again, he would get a tongue-lashing from Xylo. His nestqueen deserved better. Xylo wouldn’t interfere with their tentative relationship, but he was sure she hadn’t responded to the prince’s declaration of feelings for her.

  He’d been able to pick that up a few times whenever Selena thought too loudly.

  Out of the five mates in her life who were part of her clan, she had only said the three universe-changing words to her Favored—Xylo and Odelm.

  She knew that she loved Zirene, but was still healing from his betrayal. She had forgiven him but still needed time. The dark prince wasn’t pressuring her at all, and if he ever did, it would become Xylo’s responsibility to check him.

  His nestqueen considered the two Circuli princes close friends and was willing to someday explore their relationship further. Xylo didn’t know how the dynamics would work. The two princes were bonded males and had been together since the hatchery. The three of them would have to understand their positions and keep communications open.

  What Xylo truly wanted to do was to trip this arrogant male and leave him in this cave. Not to die—no one deserved that. Death was too harsh a punishment for his crime, which in reality had been minor in the broader scope.

  How could Karfic believe that making unsolicited advances on a female was the way to gain her interest?

  He’d hoped Selena would put the male in his place, so she would stop feeling uncomfortable, but he knew his nestqueen was too kind for her own good.

  Xylo was now one of her Favored. If she needed him to toughen up and protect her from the attention of unwanted males, he would do so gladly to keep her happy.

  Feeling her hands grip his vines as he led her down the unstable pathway brought a sense of pride to him. This was where he belonged: with his nestqueen, guiding her past the dangers of life.

  “We are here.”

  Xylo stepped beside the old geologist and stilled when he spotted the scene before him.

  The hidden chamber was a large underground lake. Thousands of gems similar to the one Selena wore around her neck gleamed around the walls.

  “Xylo . . .”

  “Yes, Selena?”

  “The ceiling reminds me of the stars.” She faced him and placed a hand on his chest. “Just like you.”

  He looked down at her hand and covered it with his. “I’m afraid they are more beautiful than I am.”

  “Don’t compare yourself to a bunch of stones.” She leaned forward and gave his lips a quick peck. “You know I love you just the way you are. It was your unique, space-like pattern that attracted me from the moment I laid my eyes on you.”

  A loud cough sounded behind them.

  Xylo shot a glance in that direction to find Karfic covering his mouth, smirking.

  He bit his tongue, knowing he could school the young demi-human in more languages than he could comprehend.

  Taking Selena’s head in his hands, he kissed her.

  His nestqueen moaned, but before she was able to grip his shoulder moss, he wrapped her wrists with his vines and held them above her head. She gasped, allowing his tongue to dive into her mouth and twirl around hers, savoring her flavor. Xylo lifted her and pinned her against the wall. Her legs instantly wrapped around his waist, securing herself above his waist petals. His spare vines wrapped around her torso and aided in holding her in place.

  This was his date, his moment with his nestqueen.

  He’d had enough of others trying to steal his time with Selena through jealous acts. Every moment he’d spent time planning so far had been ruined.

  By the Stars, he wished he could send Kaede after Karfic.

  He would make him regret his advances—and he didn’t care if either male in the chamber felt awkward or embarrassed by his display. He loved this female and was willing to tell the universe if needed.

  “Nestbrother,” Odelm cautioned. “You are allowing her hormones to cloud your thoughts. I worry about what’s happening over there, based on the extreme emotions radiating from you. You’re giving me whiplash.”

  Like a cold snap on his vines, he froze and slowly untangled himself from his nestqueen, placing her safely onto the ground. She gave him a confused look, her lips puffy from their heated kiss.

  “I’m sorry,” he breathed. “I don’t know what came over me.”

  Grabbing his hand, she shook her head. “You never have to apologize for kissing me.”

  “I’m better than this,” he muttered. “I must become a stronger male to support you and our clan the way a Favored should.”

  “You and your honor.” Selena rolled her eyes and waved him off. “Xylo, you need to learn to loosen up a little. Just because you’re Favored, doesn’t mean you have to change who you
are. I love you for you. Remember that.”

  Xylo knew that she did.

  He felt the truth in her words every time she spoke, for her thoughts couldn’t lie. His nestqueen always made sure she told him she loved him at least once a day.

  Ever since the night she’d declared him as a Favored, he could feel himself settle into a critical role. He had simply existed as part of her clan before she made him her Favored, but now that she had, it was as if his body had gone into an advanced state of maturity.

  Surprisingly, he could feel himself becoming stronger without any change in his usual routine.

  Was this something every Circuli male went through after his nestqueen declared him a Favored? As if his body knew it had to grow stronger to protect his nestqueen and his clan? Or was this a way to ensure retaining one’s rank—to preserve the spot above others within the clan?

  He didn’t know. He would have to address this with the others.

  The princes weren’t a threat to him or his position; they and Selena had made their intentions clear.

  For once, their clan was truly at peace. At least, that was what he kept telling himself.

  Xylo glanced down at his teal moss buds as they glowed in the cave’s darkness. They were a sign that the clan was about to enter another trying time. Selena would be ovulating soon, marking the time where she was the most fertile.

  Would Selena allow Odelm to have the first attempt to mate with her, giving him the highest chance of siring her offspring? Or would she go against the nature of a Favored and deliver the princes with an opportunity to produce heirs first?

  The choice was up to Selena, no matter what. She held the power over her clan; it was up to Odelm and Xylo to enforce her decisions.

  Ultimately, he was perfectly content with never producing any offspring. Unlike Odelm, his standing in the clan didn’t define him, and if he was honest with himself, he didn’t want to curse a child with inheriting his abnormal coloring.

  No, he would support his nestbrothers if they accomplished siring any offspring and would treat theirs as his, like their cubs back at the villa. Even if that support went against his Circuli nature.

  A pulsing glow caught his eye, drawing his gaze to the source.

  Selena’s gem had come to life, swirling faster than its average pace, just like when she’d interacted with the solar lamps two nights before.

  “Stars,” Mafari cursed. “I was right.”

  “Right about what?” Selena asked, lifting her necklace for all to see. “Wouldn’t it make sense for it to react to this cave?”

  “Not this brightly.” The master geologist pointed at a set of unearthed gems along the nearby wall. “See how the inlaid gems only faintly glow? There has to be a reason why hers is much brighter than the rest in this chamber. Even the ones the miners took from storage didn’t shine like this.”

  Selena raised her necklace to eye-level, studying the swirling movement within the gem.

  “But why?” Selena muttered as she approached the water’s edge, the sand beneath her feet faintly lighting with each step.

  Xylo pointed toward Selena’s feet, his vines expanded in full alertness. “Is that normal?”

  Selena glanced down and gasped as she shuffled her feet. Each time her foot touched the ground, the sand instantly lit up underneath.

  “Definitely not,” Mafari said, reaching for the necklace as he took a step forward. He stopped, hesitating as he dropped his hand. “I haven’t seen anything like this in all my studies.”

  “Is it safe?” Selena squatted and reached for the luminescent sand beneath her. She stopped short of touching the ground, shooting a glance at the two silent geologists.

  “It should be,” Karfic replied. “Nothing has changed other than . . . her.”

  The news unsettled him.

  When would the Stars ever grant Selena mercy? She had been through too much in her life to be dragged into whatever mystery revolved around this cave.

  “What do you mean by ‘her?’” Xylo demanded as he stepped closer to his nestqueen. “Selena hasn’t done a thing! All she has done is wear the blasted bauble Prince Zirene gave her!”

  “Xylo,” Selena hissed. “No need to take out your frustrations on them.” She pressed her hand down on the sand, instantly lighting up the ground beneath her touch. She shot him a smile. “See? Nothing bad happened.”

  Xylo pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, unconvinced.

  This was not normal, especially judging by the stunned expressions of the two geologists.

  Luckily, the hairs on the bottom of his feet weren't picking up anything harmful, though he found a trace of the gem’s dust sprinkled along the floor. Surprisingly, underneath the dirt, the cave’s floor was filled with such an abundance of rich nutrients that the soil would be able to feed Destima’s Wudox population for many years to come.

  Slowly, the light around Selena intensified, both in radius and brightness.

  Soon the whole chamber glowed like it was coming alive, lighting the cave’s lake into a pool of lavender radiance. The individual gems embedded into the stone walls twinkled as if they were stars flickering in a night’s sky.

  Gasps filled the air as his nestqueen fell on her ass in shock, both hands catching her in the process. “Selena!” Xylo shouted as he tried to lift his nestqueen off the cave floor.

  He didn’t trust the light—and he was starting to lose trust in the two geologists accompanying them. He felt as if they hadn’t provided them with the information they’d sought, and had been acting oddly ever since they had arrived. Could these males be jealous of Selena’s possession? At moments like this, he wished he had his nestbrother, Odelm, here to use the abilities the Stars blessed him with and pick up any lies they may have told.

  Since the answers they sought had eluded them, this outing had been a bust . . . until now.

  Where was Kaede when he needed him?

  Xylo cursed himself.

  He knew the aggressive assassin would not tolerate either male’s rude behavior—or the strange transformation of this chamber. Xylo just hoped the broody male wouldn’t take his anger out on him when he found out what had happened.

  Selena shook her head and reached for his vines, tugging him onto the floor next to her. He allowed his knees to buckle, catching himself as he kneeled on the ground, shocked by his nestqueen’s directness.

  Surprisingly, nothing happened—he had expected some reaction from the chamber. However, he suspected that just like a plant reaching for the sun, if his vines reached too close to the light, they would get burned.

  That was the question he kept asking himself in moments like this, when Selena burned so bright that the world around her seemed to bend to her will.

  Would she burn him in due time? Did it matter?

  No, because a life without Selena would be a dull one indeed.

  “Xylo,” Selena whispered. “Do you think you can help me with my boots?’

  “Why do you want help removing your shoes?” he asked, taken back. What had made her come up with this idea?

  “I want to walk along the water’s shore.” She glanced at the geologists. “There aren't any creatures that I should worry about? No dangerous cave fungus or something alike? Would it be safe to take a swim?”

  “A swim?” Xylo hissed, fighting the urge to wrap her up in his vines and hide her from the universe. “You can swim at home!”

  She waved him off. “Our pool at home isn’t a cave filled with thousands of glowing gems that make the whole chamber radiate in their brilliance.”

  “In all the years we have mined within this room, we have not come across anything dangerous—animal, fungus, or plant,” Mafari explained as he stepped beside them, dipping the edge of his tail into the water. “I know the water is safe. I have tested it multiple times myself. Other than the lake’s cold temperature, and the odd nature of your request, I don’t see an issue with it.”

  Instantly, Karfic threw off his bando
lier and kicked off his boots, smiling at Selena as he gripped his trousers.

  She averted her gaze, rolling her eyes at the display.

  “Is this how males typically act?” She pulled one foot closer, working her boot’s buckles. “He reminds me of Q, but he doesn’t understand when to lay off. At least Q has a sense of charm to him, but this guy is just trying too hard.”

  Xylo grabbed her other foot, aiding her in removing the boot. “Honestly? Most males are worse.” His fingers unbuckled the last snap, then he gently yanked off her footwear. “Selena, look at me,” he begged. She snapped her face toward his, locking her gaze with his. “If he does anything, and I mean anything that makes you uncomfortable, let me know.”

  “Xylo,” she whispered, her mental voice caressing him like morning dew on his back petals. “Let me handle him, and if he doesn’t accept my rejection, you can step in. I know the Circuli way. While I understand you’re trying to adjust to the norms of other species within the CEG, please don’t change to try to please me. I already have Zirene, who is very stubborn, and Kaede, who loves to voice his bitter thoughts on everything.” She leaned over and cupped his face, giving him a loving smile. “Karfic is nothing compared to you, so don't allow him to ruin our time together.”

  Xylo shook his head. “Just promise me that at the slightest sign of danger, you will listen to me and run. Call your nestmates as you leave this cave and summon Kaede, who we both know is out there pacing. But whatever you do, don’t wait for me.”

  “What do you think is going to happen?”

  Xylo shrugged, a foreign gesture he’d picked up from spending time with his nestqueen and other demi-humans. “I believe they either aren’t telling us everything they know, or they actually don’t know as much as we wish they did. I haven’t missed the way they ogled your necklace, as if they long to take it.”

  “I won’t let them,” she promised, standing. Swiftly, she undid her black pants, wiggling her hips as she pulled them down to reveal her emerald lingerie underneath, matching the half-shirt she wore. “Are you willing to wade in with me?”

  “You know that I can’t swim.”