Project: Adapt - Develop: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 3) Page 7
“How do you know?”
“I’ve met your sisters,” Xylo replied, adjusting his sling bag. “There’s no plausible way they would allow you to accompany them on a night out.”
“Why?” Kaede pushed away from his shuttle and glanced down the length of his body. “What’s wrong with me?”
Xylo wished he could teleport away the way Kaede did.
The last thing he wanted was to make Zirene's top assassin angry before his date with Selena. Xylo had invited him, knowing that the rest of the clan would appreciate the added security during their outing, especially since they would visit an unfamiliar island alone.
And it didn’t hurt that Kaede knew how to drive.
Xylo was capable of piloting hovercrafts, but he’d never learned how to operate shuttles or transports. If they’d had more time, he would’ve scheduled a boat trip, but it was hard to determine how long their journey into the cave would take.
“Sometimes, you come on too strong.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone fears you for who you are,” Xylo sighed, trying to conjure the right words. “So any brave souls who are willing to attempt courting your sisters would be discouraged if you came along. You’re intimidating.”
“They should fear me,” Kaede chuckled. “Anyone who doesn’t is a fool.”
“Exactly,” Xylo agreed, trying to end the conversation.
The problem was, his golden bond thread linking him to Selena hadn’t moved.
“Selena?” Xylo called out, desperate for her to save him from this awkward conversation. He wanted to return home with all of his vines intact. “Do you need help?”
“No,” she paused, confusion lacing her mental voice. “Why?”
Xylo reached out to Odelm through their nestbrother connection. “Odelm,” he begged. “Please help our nestqueen get ready. Kaede is getting frustrated, and I don’t want him to take it out on me—or our date.”
“Why is he frustrated?”
“Something about women taking too long.”
“Q takes just as long.”
“I tried to tell him that!”
“On it, nestbrother,” Odelm announced. “I will let you know when she is on her way.”
“Thank you.”
Xylo reached out to his nestqueen to answer her, hoping she would appreciate him sending Odelm to aid her. “Kaede was asking when we are leaving.”
“Kaede?” she asked, her mental voice tinged with shock. “Why is he coming with us?”
Dread filled him. Had he made a mistake by inviting Kaede to accompany them?
“I asked him to escort us on our date,” he explained. “So I could focus on you.”
“Give me a few more minutes, and you can spend the rest of the day focusing on me.”
The teasing note in her mental voice told him that she wasn’t upset. She disconnected from him and draped a thin veil over their connection.
It had taken a while for him to come to terms with her covering his thread’s door and realize she was only providing privacy to them both. He was still capable of picking up any loud thoughts, but they were like a wind blowing past a curtain rather than a gentle breeze through an open, unblocked window.
Just like he reinforced his mental shields, she was just protecting her clan from stray thoughts. The silence made his days easier while he was away doing research. He could focus on the task at hand, knowing she was safe. She wanted to make sure all of her nestmates kept their individuality and were able to complete their respective duties.
She may be their nestqueen, but that didn’t mean she wanted to control them. He couldn’t have asked for a better female to forever bond himself to.
“She is done,” Odelm announced. “And on her way. You’re lucky, nestbrother.”
“You'll soon see.”
The movement of their golden thread confirmed Odelm’s warning; she was moving and only a moment away.
“Cheer up, Kaede.” Xylo walked toward the garage door, where she would soon appear. “She’s on her way.”
“Thank the Stars,” Kaede muttered. “I’m ready to get this mission over and done with.”
“Why? Your assignment is protecting Selena. Doesn’t following us only make your job easier?”
“I’d rather not witness you two paw at each other in person.” Kaede shivered. “Having to watch whatever claiming ritual you performed two nights ago will give me nightmares for a long time.”
“Then you shouldn’t have watched,” Xylo chuckled. “There were five of us with her. We could’ve protected her.”
“Perhaps I should protect her from herself.”
The garage doors slide open, revealing the female they had been waiting for.
Xylo’s breath caught at the beauty that radiated from his nestqueen.
Black hiking boots equipped with buckled straps covered her feet. The tight black pants she wore emphasized her fit legs, proving that she had curves, unlike Circuli females. Instead of an ordinary tunic, she wore some sort of strapped, tight, emerald half-shirt which exposed her stomach and bare arms.
Her hair amazed him.
Never before had he seen her hair done up in the style of females of her species—styles he’d only seen on the space stations he had visited. Her long, silver strands were tied in tight braids and styled into a twisted crown on top of her head.
He could only imagine how her hair would look glistening in the sunlight. She would be the definition of royalty, full of the confidence that sprung up whenever she needed to put a brave face on.
“Sorry for the wait,” Selena said, flicking her gaze between him and Kaede. “Is something wrong?”
Once again, in his life, he was lost for words.
Selena walked over and took his hands before leaning in for a kiss. As her soft lips touched his, an electric spark passed through him, snapping him out of his trance.
Pulling away, she tilted her head, her blue-green eyes searching his.
“Are you okay?” She flicked her gaze behind him. “Has Kaede said anything to upset you? Do I need to have Zirene hail someone else? Because I will, if you believe he’ll ruin whatever you have planned for us.”
“No... “ He winced, casting around for the right answer. “I mean, I’m fine. We are fine.”
She pursed her lips. “If you say so.”
“Are we finally ready to go?” Kaede called out.
Selena rolled her eyes and grabbed Xylo’s arm, hooking it with hers. “I don’t know, are we?”
“I’ve been ready,” Kaede scoffed. “We’re only waiting on you.”
“If you don’t want to be here, then leave! No one is dragging you along.”
“You think I can trust someone else to drive you two lost souls around?” Kaede opened the shuttle’s side door, which lowered a small ramp for them to step on. “Get on board, your carrier awaits.”
Selena giggled, shooting Xylo a wide smile as she gripped his arm with her other hand. In one swift move, she uncovered her bond to him, bombarding him with her excited thoughts as they entered Kaede’s personal shuttle.
Xylo helped her buckle in before he placed his sling bag in the cargo hold above and secured himself in the seat next to her.
Grabbing her hand, Xylo addressed Kaede, knowing he was eager to disembark. “We are secured and ready for lift-off.”
“Affirmative,” Kaede replied over the communications system.
“Thank you, Agent Kaede,” Selena teased. “What’s our trip’s itinerary?”
“We are to arrive on Base Island—”
“What kind of name is Base Island?”
“Stars, I don’t know,” Kaede growled. “They’ve always called it that. It is what it is.”
“It needs a better name than that!”
“Destima is your moon,” Kaede snapped. “Come up with a better name. In fact, name the triad, or Stars, rename the whole planet! I’m just h
ere to serve you.”
Selena bit her lip, trying to hold in her laughter. If not for her contagious, playful attitude, Xylo would be concerned about Kaede’s aggressive attitude, but judging by the thoughts radiating from her, she was trying to get a rise out of the dark assassin.
“I can tell you the day’s plans if you want,” Xylo announced, trying to save Kaede from her tirade and pull the focus to himself. “Just act like we are alone.”
“I am only teasing Kaede, in the hope, he will leave us alone once we arrive at our destination,” Selena soothed, rubbing circles into his palm with her thumb. “He always wants to add his opinion in a situation when it’s not needed or requested. I’m trying to show him that I’m done putting up with his shit.”
“You’re the boss,” Selena added, winking. “I’m just here for our outing.”
“Vagren was able to assist me in establishing contact with Mafari, Destima’s resident geologist, and scheduling our visit today.”
“He was willing to take us so soon?”
“Rather, who wouldn’t clear their schedule to make room for a visit from the moon’s leader?” Xylo explained. “No matter how much you second-guess yourself, your presence is a big deal to the people of Destima. Just your influence alone can change your citizen’s lives.”
“I’m just doing what I believe is right,” she muttered, looking away.
Xylo followed her gaze and watched as they passed the new structures on the island.
“Kaede,” Xylo called out, hoping the male would reply.
“Kaede, reporting.”
“Can you please take us around the main island?” Xylo asked politely. Unlike Selena, he didn’t want to get on the male’s nerves. “I want Selena to see her creations in person from above.”
“Affirmative,” Kaede replied. “I will let Master Geologist Mafari know about our delay.”
“Thank you.”
Kaede didn’t respond, but, the shuttle banked into a tight turn as they backtracked over the island’s atoll, toward the residential district.
Silence fell as Selena became engrossed in their flyby. Nothing but thoughts of excitement and wonder flooded through to him.
He hoped this was a sign of a good start to their date.
Chapter Seven
Holding Xylo’s arm tightly, I waited impatiently for Kaede to open the shuttle’s side door. I couldn’t wait to step foot onto Base Island, even though I hadn’t explored the Main Island yet.
Which reminded me: I needed to come up with better names than the ones Zirene had probably given them. If Kaede had named them, he would’ve owned up to his choice, so it must have been my dreamscape male. The moon circled his star system’s capital, Lunkai, after all.
The names were a problem I would have to solve later, perhaps when I finally opened the Main Island to Aldawi Academy students. I couldn’t wait for the island to come alive with tourism; I believed that would be the morale boost the citizens needed.
The door finally opened, revealing a landing pad set-up similarly to my villa’s. The shuttle slowly powered down, revealing the busy sounds of workers nearby.
Along the side was a much larger garage, with one wall open to allow small hovercrafts and citizens to travel in and out without worrying about bumping into each other. A long line of shuttles, transports, and hovercrafts was waiting idly inside. My garage only housed one of each, since Kaede and his sisters stored their vehicles elsewhere.
Beside the garage was an office building attached to a large warehouse, next to a cave entrance with tram-like tracks disappearing inside.
Glancing around, I could spot many Aldawi and demi-humans stopping and staring at our shuttle as if they couldn't believe that I was here in person.
That's what I got for organizing a moon-wide speech.
I didn't want to be famous, or anything even close. Simply being declared Zirene's Seedbearer had added extra work to my plate.
However, I could never run away from my new responsibilities, no matter the consequences they came with.
"You’ve arrived!" beamed a bright, cheery voice.
Two figures emerged from the office, dressed in similar black trousers and matching neon-yellow bandoliers.
I stilled as they neared, my smile slipping from my face.
Fear gripped me.
Images of the male who had tried to kidnap me during my escape flashed before my eyes, blurring the past with the present.
This man had the same scaly skin covering his reptilian body, with forehead ridges that turned into long tassels. A pair of finned ears framed his head, and his face came out to a point, with slitted nostrils and wide mouth.
Someone shook me, snapping me out of my trance.
“Selena?” Xylo asked, his deep voice filled with concern. “What’s wrong?”
“He reminded me of someone.”
Xylo wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer against his side. A few vines snaked around my arm as if they, too, were trying to comfort me.
Kaede stepped before us, blocking my view of the approaching males as he surveyed them. Something about his proximity comforted me; he brought me a greater sense of security than I wanted to admit. Was I dependent on his presence? Or was it just a comfort to me to remember that he’d always rescued me when I had needed it?
In any case, I instantly felt safer knowing he was close by.
“Is something wrong?” an unfamiliar, dark voice asked. He sounded older, almost wise, and different from the brute voice of the male who had once tried to abduct me.
“We can leave if you want, Selena,” Kaede insisted, entering something on his wristband. “Or I can ask another agent to escort you both on this date . . .Stars, I could hack their data systems and give you all the information about your precious gem.”
“No, I’m fine.” I pulled away from Xylo’s side. “Just had a moment.”
“May I ask why?” the reptilian male inquired.
“Kaede,” I said instead of explaining. He snapped his gaze to mine; his neon-green slitted eyes focused through his advanced visor. “Thank you, but I can handle this.”
He nodded. “As you wish.” He retreated behind me, his black cape flaring in his wake. Pausing for a split moment, he leaned close to my ear and whispered, “I will always be watching.”
“I know,” I muttered.
Satisfied, he disappeared.
Sighing, I berated myself for my reaction. I needed to face my fears.
The male before me wasn’t the one from my past, and I needed to learn to separate those who harmed me from other members of their species. Just because someone of his species had tried to abduct me, didn’t mean he would.
With Q being Quaww, he was a prime example of this lesson.
The Quaww were the archenemy of the Aldawi. The formation of the CEG and their peace treaty was the only thing preventing either side from settling their ancient strife with violence. There were likely nefarious dealings happening along their shared border that could be brought to the Assembly’s attention, but neither side had done so—a stark refusal to show any sign of weakness to the enemy. To me, the conflict sounded like a spat between siblings, but I knew tensions were growing serious because it had weighed on Zirene’s mind lately.
Zirene had assured me there was no need to worry as long as I remained on Destima for the time being. The Quaww couldn’t reach me so deep within Aldawi space. By staying on his capital's moon, I was making it nearly impossible for anyone to abduct or harm me, which would harm Zirene in the process through our Nova-Shadow bond. Anyone who dared hurt me would break the peace treaty that united the galaxy to protect its occupants from outside forces.
Stepping forward, I gave the pair of males a quick bow, dipping my head slightly as a sign of respect.
After living on the space station, I’d learned that most species didn’t shake hands in greeting unless they were acquainted at a personal level. Due to my high-ranking social st
atus, I couldn’t salute these males, at least not unprompted. I had learned that the hard way from Zirene.
I was mated to him—a prince—within our own empire. They saluted us, and it was up to me whether or not I replied in kind. I knew Zirene wasn’t trying to be pompous—he had only explained those social dynamics to me to save me from future embarrassment.
“I’m sorry for my reaction,” I apologized. “You reminded me—”
The emerald male held his four-fingered hand up, halting my explanation, soft sympathy suffusing his amber eyes.
“I understand quite well, Seedbearer Selena.” He extended his hand, offering it to me as his eyes held mine. “My people, the Trr-kiki, are a scavenger species. We have been feared for our shady dealings and are known as mercenaries. You must have come across one of my kind while you were with the Yaarkins, yes?”
Blinking slowly in shock, I nodded, inhaling a deep breath of fresh air as I accepted his hand. “That’s correct.”
We fumbled our way through the handshake, his three fingers and thumb making it awkward to find a way to enclose our hands. Surprisingly, his rough hand felt cold in mine, cooler than my Circuli males.
“I am ashamed of what my people have become, prioritizing their greed for credits above basic morality,” the older male explained. “I’m afraid that they have fallen from the Stars’ grace, and will burn out into dust once they leave this plane.”
“I’m sorry.” I glanced between the two males. “I didn’t catch your names.”
He smiled—or at least, I interpreted the flash of sharp teeth as a grin. “I am Master Geologist Mafari, ruler of Destima’s caves.” He smacked the male next to him on the shoulder. “And this here is my assistant, Karfic.”
The young demi-human stared at me, starstruck, and lost for words. I didn’t know if he was nervous like me, or shy when meeting new people, like my Favored.
Karfic’s genome had been spliced with Trr-kiki genes. He had the same forehead ridges turning into long sapphire tassels, and instead of regular human ears, his were a pair of sapphire fan-like ears with golden shells.