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Project: Adapt - Develop: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 3) Read online

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  Deciding she was prepared enough, he released her neck and removed his paws, quickly grabbing hold of her ass before she could protest.

  “I can handle the rest,” Zirene announced, staring at the Circuli males. “Let me finish, and we can put her to bed together.”

  He wouldn’t assert his dominance over his clan—not now, not ever—yet even if he wanted to, his dominant aura did not affect his clan brothers. He assumed the lack of reaction was tied to their connections with his Nova; her mental shields protected them from his power.

  As if they knew what was in store for their Nestqueen, they drew back as one and without complaint. One by one, they settled onto a nearby couch, staring intently at their nestqueen as they tried to catch their breath.

  Zirene couldn’t fathom how it felt to be in their place, able to feel her pleasure and hear her moans without being able to act. She could bite them, inject them with the arousing venom she had acquired from Kaede, but that wouldn’t solve the current problem—he needed to cool her burning arousal and make her pass out from pleasure.

  Zirene picked up his Nova by her luscious ass and positioned his cock’s head at her entrance, slowly letting gravity slide her onto his hardened member.

  His Nova shrieked, her body shaking as her snug channel pulsated, clenching tightly around his manhood. Her hands found his wrists, nails digging tightly into his skin as she started to bounce, rocking up and down his shaft.

  “More! More! More!”

  Almost instantly, she worked herself all the way down his cock, turning her head to face him. Her mouth was wide open in a silent scream, and lust-glazed eyes stared at him in wonder.

  “I told you we would take care of you,” Zirene chuckled, lifting her until his cock’s head was the only thing that remained sheathed. “Now watch your nestmates as you ride me. Open to them and let them experience your bliss.”

  She did what she was told, and as soon as she faced her Circuli males, he dropped her. A loud groan escaped her lips while her channel welcomed his cock once more in a warm embrace.

  This was it. Her undoing would become his.

  He would keep pleasing her until she passed out from pleasure, bringing them both to climax multiple times.

  Over and over, he raised his Nova on his cock, her sounds of euphoria filling the night’s air. Soon he had a good rhythm built up as he cupped her ass cheeks, gripping them tightly to drive her up and down his cock.

  She released her grip on his wrists and gathered her breasts as she rode his cock hard. He could tell she was getting close by the walls of her tunnel fluttering around his member.

  She was missing something . . .

  Zirene swung his tail forward, snaking it around her leg until it reached its destination.

  Pressing hard, the bushy end of his tail tickled her clit and sent her spiraling.

  The males across from them groaned in unison as she arched her back into him. She stilled as she screamed into the night, her walls clutching him hard.

  His control snapped.

  Instinct took over in the blink of an eye. One moment she was converging on top of him, the next, she was pressed on top of the center table, facing her males. They lay haphazardly, wilted in their seats, with their eyes closed and their appendages twitching ever so slightly.

  Zirene’s hands held her luscious globes, squeezing them tightly as he rapidly thrust into her. Every time he bottomed out and her ass cheeks slammed against his pelvis, a whimpering moan passed her lips. The delicious way she quivered around his cock was proof that he was extending her orgasm as she lay limply beneath him.

  Maybe it was their extended foreplay or the fact that days had passed since they united as one, but he could finally feel his end was near.

  His lips parted, and his release built within, causing his pace to falter.

  Swiftly, he pinned her down onto the table and buried his teeth into her shoulder. His Nova’s cry rang out for all to hear as he ravished her in front of their whole clan.

  She was his as much as he was hers.

  A great need to claim her fully, once again, for all to see, roared to the forefront of his mind.

  And he was going to make sure all of them remembered his claim while he was away.

  Slamming into her one last time, burning ecstasy rolled through him, so powerful his body shook from the violence of his orgasm. Her inner walls fisted his shaft, contracting spasmodically, as he painted her insides with his sterile essence.

  Releasing her neck, he roared into the night, not caring who heard.

  Chapter Five


  Standing nervously beside Vagren, my moon’s organizer, I remained frozen. Behind a dark marbled podium, I faced thousands of new Destima citizens, eagerly awaiting my speech.

  The sun poured through the stained glass dome, radiating a rainbow of color upon the mixed crowd. Aldawi, Circuli, and demi-humans stared at me, loosely segregated in groups of their own, wary of their new neighbors.

  It was easy to pick out the individual Circuli clans. Each fanned out in an arc behind their lighter-colored nestqueen. Surprisingly, the unbonded and nestbrother pairs kept apart from the others, standing in small, awkward clusters.

  Were the bonded males nervous about their nestqueen taking more into her clan?

  Along with the enclosed clearing, many large display screens—which would be used for future advertisements and announcements—hung around the walls of the wing tunnel, showing various locations amongst the military academy, where over one hundred thousand Aldawi warriors resided. Each screen displayed a live stream of a sea of Aldawi males from a different angle, all compacted in a ship hangar, waiting for me to speak.

  They didn't know how I had gotten here, or what troubles I had faced, and none of them probably cared.

  The only thing that mattered was that somehow, the Fates had made me the new owner of Destima, and I had plans that would forever change their lives.

  My nestmates stood behind me, with Zirene close by as a symbol of support from his people—our people.

  Stars, it was still hard for me to come to terms with that reality.

  Supposedly, Kaede was leading the Fab Five in handling security. They had told me not to worry, promising that no security was truly necessary because no danger was lurking on this moon.

  It was the mysterious voice that concerned them.

  I couldn't blame them. I was worried too. Who knew when, and where, he would strike.

  Personally, I hoped he found his brother so he could leave me alone.

  “We will protect you, Selena. There is no need to worry,” Xylo assured, his deep mental voice like a light caress along with my shields. “Focus on the here and now, so you can be free to do whatever you want later.”

  “Like our date?”

  “I... Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to ask Vagren or Zirene to contact a geologist about touring the mine,” he replied, his mental voice strained. “There wasn’t any time to do so last night, not after you honored me as your Favored.”

  “We were in a rush this morning, also.”

  “I promise I will set up our date whenever we find downtime next,” Xylo swore. “Think of it as a reward for once this is over.”

  “Make it good,” I teased. “For now, let me focus.”

  “Yes, my nestqueen.”

  Sighing, I felt him withdraw from my shields, leaving me to my own thoughts. Only that I knew I wasn't alone; I could sense my Ulax males sending calming sensations through our bond. From my short conversation with Xylo, I had proof that they were listening, ready to help me if I needed it.

  Hopefully, I wouldn’t.

  A loud ping echoed through the domed lobby, cutting through the noisy commotion, instantly grabbing everyone’s attention. Silence fell across the crowd.

  Raising his paws, Vagren scanned the room, his eyes taking in the massive crowd.

  “Welcome citizens of Destima to this glorious day!” Vagren announced, his
voice booming over the music hall’s speaker system. “A month has passed since the Circuli crew landed, making this beautiful moon their home. Along with our new citizens, we have gained a new leader whose dreams amaze me to this day. Let me introduce you to Selena Darcaw of Destima, Seedbearer, and mate of Second Prince Zirene Darcaw.”

  The Aldawi within the crowd saluted, while the demi-humans clapped as Vagren stepped away, gesturing for me to take his spot. The Circuli waved their appendages in the air, making their section appear like long grass swaying in the wind.

  Letting out a deep breath that I didn’t know I’d been holding, I sighed, nodding to him as I stepped up to the podium.

  The crowd continued to cheer as I surveyed them, trying to measure up to the importance of this moment. These people were looking to me for answers, and it was my time to provide them.

  Off in the distance, a glint of color caught my eye. I spotted Oeta’s fuchsia mohawk and purple glass-like wings, and her glowing eyes met mine. A black mental thread similar to Mwe’s, only glowing fuchsia instead of magenta, caressed my mental shields. Oeta nodded once, flashing her wings to confirm her identity. I welcomed her thread, knowing my shields would remember her unique signature for the future.

  “You are an elusive female when you want to be, Seedbearer,” Oeta’s mental voice chuckled. “But not enough to escape your admirer, it seems. I am standing guard to interfere in case he tries to intervene. If you ever need my aid, don’t be afraid to reach out, even to ask me to watch your gorgeous cubs.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled at her, knowing that the crowd would assume I smiled for them. “I may need your assistance sooner than you believe. Let’s talk sometime in the coming days.”

  “I will be waiting.”

  I felt her disconnect, leaving my shields unharmed.

  Vagren raised his hands once more, silencing the crowd.

  “Thank you, Organizer Vagren,” I said, giving Zirene’s half-brother a quick nod. “I am Selena. Like some of you, I am a Yaarkins survivor. Others may know me as the nestqueen to the Circuli males behind me. However, what brought me to Destima is my position as Seedbearer to the Second Aldawi Prince, Zirene Darcaw.”

  Taking a deep breath, I paused for effect.

  “In celebration of the birth of our cubs, Prince Zirene gifted me this moon to rule as I please. In all honesty, if not for my support system, I would be lost on how to proceed, but I thank the Stars for them.” I licked my lips nervously. “What could a female who came from nothing to stand before you today know about leadership? I will be honest with you all—nothing. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to learn how to be a good leader. I have studied CEG law. I am not only Prince Zirene’s Seedbearer, but also have two Circuli princes as my nestmates. My two Favored nestmates are both intelligent and esteemed in their respective fields. Every day I’m grateful for the males in my life because they have surrounded me with knowledge, understanding, love, and the motivation to learn.

  “As I learn, I will receive guidance from experienced leaders. Prince Zirene has assigned Organizer Vagren to be my voice, while my Circuli princes will help me lead until I can stand on my own. I won’t tell you that I’m perfect, because I’m not. But I do ask that you forgive any blunders as I try to make this moon a better place for all its citizens.

  “My dream for Destima is to develop a sanctuary, an exclusive paradise for those who reside here and the lucky few who visit. As the moon of Lunkai, the capital of Prince Zirene's star system, and the base of the Aldawi elite, Destima will be protected from foreign aggression and piracy. We will create a safe place to live and thrive as individuals on this newly developed moon.

  "I’m not saying this will be an easy task to tackle. I have no illusions about the scale of the challenge we are taking on. However, I believe that with hard work and dedication, we can make this a place we will be proud to call home. A place where no citizen will be afraid to be different. A place where we can live in peace, without fear of the future. Somewhere to settle and see your families grow.

  “I’m sure everyone has been affected by the changes that I’ve decreed since my arrival and has seen the structures built on the island almost overnight. I have a plan. A plan to build this moon into something extraordinary—a source of joy and inspiration to all. I want to show the universe that no matter what species you are, or how unique you may be, we are always capable of coming together under the same ideals as we pursue the promise of a better future.

  “I’ve designed this island to be our main hub among the triad islands. My goal is to build two separate districts—the North, which will remain our residential district, and the South, which will become the entertainment district. By creating two distinct districts, any visitors will be confined to one location, while allowing you, the citizens of Destima, free reign on the island. As many of you know, the lower parts of the island house many new structures. These buildings will provide vital services you deserve—the moon’s main hospital, a research center, a galactic academy, the Circuli population’s hatchery, and all of the security and government offices. All your necessary services are organized in one place to make it easier to meet your needs.

  “I know the Circuli crew on the Destiny was prepared to build a home on an undeveloped planet. Instead, by mating their princes, I brought you here. I was told there were many researchers aboard, along with scholars from a variety of backgrounds. I would like to thank you for cooperating with your princes and onboarding at the job closest to your respective field of study. For all the warriors, active and retired, I would like to thank you for taking on the agricultural or fishing jobs until your service is needed once more. This may not have been your original plan when you embarked upon your journey five years ago, but I hope it becomes a positive surprise. May the Stars bless the nestqueens as we hope for the beginnings of a first-generation born here.

  “To all the demi-humans: I’m sorry for taking so long to address you since my arrival. To be honest, I needed time. Time to adjust to everything that has been thrown at me. Time to recover from my pregnancy and enjoy being a new mother. And time to figure out what to say to people like me—products of the Yaarkins’ experimentations. For a while, I thought I was the only survivor. Only when Prince Zirene gifted me Destima did I learn there were more like me, rescued and housed in one location.

  “I know I moved you into one of the twelve resident buildings without much notice, but I hope the improvements that we’ve made to the island you call home are worth the trouble. From the high-speed tram system that runs along the island to the new fishing docks and improved spaceport to the newly built social hubs. I wanted to give you all everything that you’ve missed—that we have missed.

  “I studied the layout of the Destiny and its spaceport, along with other successful island communities and designed Destima based on those blueprints. My goal is to strengthen our foundations first. Once the island grows accustomed to all the changes, we will open to the Aldawi brethren from our sister island. Ultimately, my dream is to transform Destima into an exclusive resort-like moon, where only those invited may visit. I’m asking everyone to stay open-minded throughout the process.

  “As an exclusive resort-like planet, we can allow artists the freedom to sell and perform without judgment and celebrate their talents. Culinary masters can serve their special delicacies, exposing our citizens to new cultures. And our researchers can freely study without having to separate from their loved ones, for all operations will be located on one island.

  “Prince Zirene has offered to extend his protection from the Academy Island to all the triad islands to help me make my vision. Destima’s citizens may rest easy knowing that this moon is a safe place to settle and build a family. This won’t be an easy journey, but now that I’ve shared my dreams for this moon, I hope you will support my vision. I dream of a safe place where differences are celebrated, and citizens are free to study and work as they wish—not because they have no choice. All I ask
of you is to bear with me—with us—while we continue to face any challenges that arise. Whatever changes we make to this island are for the better.”

  I inhaled deeply, trying to catch my breath as I licked my lips. The weight of over a hundred thousand eyes transfixing upon me was crippling, but I refused to crumble in front of mere strangers while they formed first impressions of me.

  “The building you’re standing in,” I shot a glance and smiled at the many display screens hanging above, where the Aldawi males stared back at me, “where we are located,” I added, scanning the present crowd. “This is the symbol of what our future could hold if you are willing. A celebration of the arts.” Allowing my words to sink in, I watched the crowd take in their surroundings, studying the plexiglass dome above. “This is Destima’s Performance Hall, where artists can come to perform concerts, theater, dance . . . or even speeches.” Some chuckles sounded amongst the crowd. “As the first gesture in moving forward, I want to do something special.” Turning toward my nestmates, my gaze landed on Odelm. A confused expression flashed on his face. “Odelm, can you come here, please?”

  The crowd instantly hushed, curious about what I was going to do.

  “Selena…” he pleaded, his mental voice strained.

  “Come, Favored,” I comforted. “I promise it will be worth it.”

  Odelm walked up and stopped a few steps away from my side. His coloring was tinted a worried orange and nervous yellow along the edges of his defensive fins.

  Taking his hand, I pulled him closer to stand next to me at the podium.

  “Last night, I finally claimed my clan's Favored. In celebration, I want to present one of my Favored with a gift that I designed for him before my arrival,” I announced, turning to my shy musician.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Odelm,” I beamed, nodding as I locked my eyes with his. “I was told of your skill as a master of instruments back on Circul, and I know what you’ve been through. Someone of your talent deserves to be cherished and celebrated. To thank you for everything you’ve done for me over these last couple months, I give you this performance hall, to do with as you please. I hope that soon, you can share your music with Destima—and someday, the universe.”