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Project: Adapt - Develop: A Space Fantasy Alien Romance (Book 3) Page 4

  Everything had its time and place, and tonight’s intention was to come together as a clan and help Selena relax before tomorrow.

  Odelm had suggested the group should take turns giving her a massage, and Xylo had ordered a collection of refreshments to feed her. Zirene knew how massages quickly evolved into what she called ‘heated make-out sessions’ and pleasuring her in some form.

  Xylo had explained how Selena’s release gave her Circuli mates a glimpse of her ecstasy. Their mating spores told them how pleased she was—just as their bodies knew when she was about to become fertile.

  Zirene always found that an interesting biological trigger and respected the boundaries it set, even if they were frustrating at times. He could never sweep her away to ravish her in a hidden grove, for her nestmates would be able to feel her pleasure, hear her loud thoughts, and locate her through their bond threads.

  He may have been frustrated, but he wasn’t jealous. While she was their nestqueen, she was also his Nova, his gift from the Stars and the Fates. He could share her with them during the day because at night, she was only his.

  The night’s events hadn’t turned out how he’d planned, but nothing did when his Nova was involved. Now it was up to Zirene to get the evening back on track. First, he needed to convince Selena to declare her Favored before she spiraled any further due to the distracting pollen.

  “Selena,” he purred into her ear, squeezing her hips tightly to capture her attention. “You need to tell them about your decision. What are you going to do?”

  “Do I have to?” she whined, wiggling in his grasp as she crossed her legs.

  Zirene knew how to push her towards what she needed to do—for her own good and the clan’s well-being.

  Now he understood how the Circuli males felt. His clan brothers had explained that the longer they built a courting bond, the more their bodies compelled them to get closer to their future nestqueen. Zirene was currently experiencing the same urges, but unlike them, he didn’t believe he could solve this through sex alone.

  Slowly, he ran his paws under her nightgown, tracing the smooth, silky skin along the sides of her voluptuous body. She pressed her shoulder blades into his chest as she squirmed in his embrace.


  “Tell them your choice, my Nova,” he demanded, tracing the soft skin under her breasts with his thumb. “Fix your clan, and we will help you.”

  “If she doesn’t--”

  “Hush, Xylo,” Zirene growled. “We both know that she hates to see others suffer, especially those she cares about. She needs to do this.”

  “Fine, Zirene,” she whimpered, jerking in his hands, trying to tempt him into touching her breasts. “I will tell them, but please!”

  “Please, what?” he teased, cupping her breasts as she wanted but refusing to touch her nipples.

  She gripped his thighs, her tight hold pulling on his fur and sending sparks of pain and pleasure straight to his hardened cock. “Why can't I do this later?”

  “Because you will only second-guess yourself, Selena.” He threaded her nipples between his fingers, squeezing the breasts that fed their cubs—an act that turned him on more than he had expected. “All you have to do is claim your Favored.”

  She thrashed between his legs, forcing him to scoop her knees with his and spread her legs, exposing her core to the clan.

  “Sometimes I—”

  “You don’t want to finish that sentence, Little Nova.” Zirene flicked his tail over her lap, snaking his fanned tip along her inner thighs. “Unlike your nestmates, I am not afraid to torture you with promises of pleasure until you cave.” Leaning over, he pressed his nose to the top of her head and inhaled deeply. “Your beautiful mind can’t control me, no matter how much you wish it could.”

  “If I tell them,” she moaned, a shiver passing through her. “You will help me?”

  “We will help you as a clan.”

  “Fine,” she gasped, relaxing in his hold. “What do I need to do to declare a Favored?”

  Zirene glanced at the four males surrounding their corner on the couch, all staring intently at their nestqueen. He knew he wasn’t being fair to Selena, but if she didn’t declare her choice tonight, it would only be put off for another time. From past experiences with this female, he knew that any problem they delayed addressing only became more significant in the future.

  Zirene refused to allow that to happen again. She may be upset with him in the morning, but in the end, she would understand.

  He knew in his heart that his words had been valid; she would’ve felt guilty if she had known how much her nestmates suffered.

  His Nova was gentle-natured until someone threatened her own. Then she acted like a fierce Aldawi female protecting her cubs. That was what he loved about her. The Fates wouldn’t have entwined their destinies if they weren’t compatible, each strength balancing the other’s weaknesses. She brought out the softness in him when the universe demanded him to be a leader—hardened, powerful, and strong.

  “She needs to will it,” V’dim replied. “Usually the nestqueen entwines her appendages with her chosen nestmate as they press their foreheads together to will the connection between them, similar to the initiation of a courting bond. But Selena . . . ”

  “She can kiss,” Xylo announced. “Selena was able to form all of our courting bonds through kissing; she can do the same thing to will us as Favored.”

  “How are you so sure?” Odelm asked, skeptically.

  “Because kissing is an emotionally invested action to her,” Xylo countered, studying his nestbrother. “It makes sense for a kiss to bind us. She was able to engage in a courting bond with the four of us without fail, why question it?”

  “Because I—”

  “Oh, Stars,” Selena muttered. “Can we please just try?”

  “Are you sure you want to?” Odelm hesitated.

  “What I want is to burn off this pollen,” she hissed, jerking forward. “What do you all hear? What do you feel?”

  “That you want us to be happy,” Xylo breathed. “And you want us to ease the burning in your body.”

  “You know what you have to do, Selena.” Zirene flicked the end of his tail over her core, making her jerk. “Do it, and we will cool you.”

  “Xylo,” she sighed, releasing her grip on Zirene’s legs and opening her arms. “Kiss me. Claim your spot as the first Favored of my clan.”

  Xylo shot a wary glance at Zirene as he leaned forward, placing a hand on the couch in the open spot between her legs as he cupped her face.

  Zirene watched with a smile on his face as Xylo pressed his lips to hers. He pinched her nipples, making Selena gasp and grip his shoulders. Xylo took advantage of the sudden opening of her lips.

  Moans filled the air as she clawed at Xylo’s shoulders, his vines wrapping around her legs as if he was claiming her.

  Oddly, jealousy didn’t prick Zirene; instead, happiness fell upon him.

  His Nova was securing her clan, stabilizing its foundations while strengthening their bonds to protect their future.

  He knew he would have to leave soon after she presented her speech. His father was growing angry that he’d repeatedly delayed his requests to meet in person. Zirene knew nothing good ever came from such meetings.

  He didn’t know when he’d be able to return to Selena and their clan, so it was vital to make every single moment count. Remembering that she would be protected by her clan, with Agent Kaede supervising, appeased him.

  If he had his way, he would make Destima his permanent residence and only leave when his duties called. But the Quaww were becoming more daring in testing the limits of their shared border, and the mysterious voice that had attacked Selena still weighed heavily on his mind. The Fab Five were working on finding any connections or clues, but so far, they’d discovered no leads.

  Tonight, he would show Selena that he could put aside his territorial tendencies and share with her Circuli nestmates. Easing her mind wo
uld help her relax around him and focus on their clan.

  He could do this.

  No matter how many consorts she took, in the end, she would always be his Nova—until the Stars returned them to the Fates.

  Slowly, Xylo pulled away, sucking in a breath as his vines untangled from her body.

  “Selena, you honor me by taking me as your first Favored in front of our clan,” Xylo announced, humbled. “I will not fail you.”

  “I know you won’t.” She cupped Xylo’s face as if she’d forgotten they were being watched. “You have been by my side since before I opened my eyes. I’m sorry it took this long for me to do this.”

  “There is nothing to forgive,” Xylo assured, returning to his seat. “I will lead your nestmates to protect both you and the clan.”

  “I don’t doubt you.”

  “See, that wasn’t so bad,” Zirene whispered in her ear as he released her breasts, trailing his paws down her sides. She shivered in his grasp when he cupped her core, pulling a gasp from her lips. He shot a glance at the star-patterned male, chuckling as Selena tried to grind her pelvis into his paws to relieve her ache. “Did it work?”

  Xylo closed his eyes and nodded, breathing in a deep breath. “Yes, I am Favored.”

  “Good,” Zirene purred, his chest emitting a pleased, rumbling hum.

  “Odelm,” she called as she wiggled between his legs, eager to proceed.

  He chuckled to himself as he watched the pale-purple musician approach, refusing to let her ignore him. When Odelm leaned in for a kiss, Zirene flicked his wrist and rubbed the pads of two fingers over her clit.

  Selena groaned as she snaked her arms around Odelm’s head, smashing his lips to hers hungrily. Zirene rolled his pads on her bundle of nerves and watched, amused, as she ravished her shy mate. The male seemed lost, wanting to touch every part of her body at once and struggling to keep up with her demands. Odelm’s tentacles mimicked Xylo’s vines and wrapped around her legs. The other Circuli mates stared in anticipation.

  He wasn’t just watching his Nova come undone, he was feeling her pleasure as she jerked and squirmed in his grasp. He was going to make sure she never forgot this moment—the night all her mates had gathered to watch her claim her two Favored.

  Zirene knew this was a crucial moment within the clan, a shift that would forever change the dynamics within. He respected the others enough to refrain from interfering, but that didn’t mean he regretted pushing them to complete the ritual now. His instincts told him that if they hadn’t crossed this bridge before he left, she would’ve procrastinated until he returned—whenever that was. He couldn’t allow her to do that to the males who had found her and nursed her into what she had become.

  Odelm unwrapped his tentacles from her body and tried to pull away, but his aroused Nova refused to let him go. The Wudox pollen must’ve pushed her into overdrive, making her crave any touch to try to ease her need. Odelm snapped his gaze to Zirene’s, his pale-green eyes glowing with wonder, lips never leaving hers.

  “Selena,” he coaxed, slowly rubbing loose circles around her clit. Xylo had explained the bud’s official name when he’d taught Zirene what body parts were different from theirs and which motions pleased her. “How does it feel?”

  She released Odelm with a gasp, panting as she tried to catch her breath.

  Odelm traced the lines of her body, his heated gaze locking on Zirene’s paws as he worked her juncture. Zirene didn’t miss the bite marks on his bottom lip, which was already beginning to swell.

  “I’m assuming from your expression that the kiss worked?” Zirene pinched her clit, pulling a screech from Selena, as he waited for the musician to confirm.

  “Yes,” he choked, falling backward onto Xylo’s lap. If Circuli could cry, by the expression on Odelm’s face, he would be bawling like Selena did whenever she broke down. Zirene could tell how much this honor meant to him. Tonight was a defining moment for the once-severed male.

  “Congratulations, nestbrother.” Xylo beamed, patting his shoulder. “We shall lead together.”

  “You better lead your way to cooling this burn,” Selena growled. “My body is on fire, and I need one of you to stop dragging your feet and do something!”

  Zirene’s purrs intensified as he released her clit, making her whine an unintelligible complaint. He picked up his lovely Nova and pulled up his loincloth, revealing his erect cock for all to see, then placing her on his lap once again. He hissed as she squeezed his manhood between her legs, soaking it with her core.

  “We will ease you, don’t worry.” He gripped her nightgown, ripping the flimsy material apart, careful to avoid her fragile skin with his claw.

  “My gown!” Selena gasped in protest.

  “A small price to pay for what I have planned,” Zirene chuckled, throwing the shreds behind the couch before taking full control of the situation. “I assure you, Nova, I will buy you plenty more to replace this gown.”

  The one thing he loved about the nightgowns Odelm had bought was that they were easily replaceable. He had sent Agent Bryeca to buy out the clothing merchant’s shop and pay for a replicator pattern to be made, so he could order an identical gown whenever he ‘accidentally’ destroyed one.

  CEG law prevented the sale of replicated products to protect artists and designers, and only a few species possessed the replicator technology. It was expensive and impractical for even the upper class to use a replicator.

  But for Selena, the cost was worth it. She was gorgeous—in mind, body, and soul—and something about her curvy frame in the thin-strapped gowns, crafted from a thin fabric that barely reached her knees, tempted his control. It was hard for him to keep his paws off her, fighting a constant inner battle of wanting to touch her.

  Many nightgowns had been destroyed in the process

  “You’re lucky that wasn’t the one I bought her,” Odelm quipped.

  “You heard our female,” Zirene announced, ignoring the male as he cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples roughly. “She wants us to please her, so let’s do so as a unit.”

  “What do you have planned?” Odelm asked as he climbed off Xylo’s lap.

  “Each one of us will play a different role.” He chuckled as Selena squirmed and ground herself against his cock. “Odelm and V’dim will massage her feet while they wrap their tentacles around her legs, squeezing them to prevent her from moving. Xylo and Z’fir will suck on her nipples, molding her breasts with your hands as you allow your vines to spread your moss’ pollen all over her body.” He flicked his tail up and down her lower belly, enjoying her reactions as he teased her. “We are going to show her exactly what it feels like to burn.”

  Zirene smiled when the four males didn’t object. Then he placed his paws onto her hips, stilling her frantic movements as she tried to please herself. The Circuli shared a momentary glance before obeying, all four pairs of glowing eyes focused on their nestqueen.

  “Oh, Stars,” she moaned as the Wudox males latched onto her hardened nipples. Her back arched as if she was offering herself to them to ravish.

  Zirene held her stomach as he snaked his paw across the ticklish spot between her lower abdomen and the curve of her hip. She squirmed as if that might alleviate her distress and desperation in her current position.

  She was theirs.

  Theirs to worship.

  To please. To protect.

  To both follow and lead.

  No matter the reason, Selena was the center of all their lives, and this was the time to prove it to her once again. Their backgrounds, social status, and upbringing held no weight in this exact moment, for they were a clan, united by the shared female who balanced their lives.

  Zirene may not have held the same sort of connection that bound the other four to her, but he was hers all the same. He knew his place, as they all now did.

  With his guidance, she had declared her Favored, bringing the clan closer than ever.

  “Zirene, please!” Selena pleaded, snatching
his cock as she tried to lift herself.

  He hissed. The pleasing sensations from her silky hand's grip enthralled him, tempting him to throw his plans to the wind, teasing his will not to hold back. Any other moment, he would have thrown her down and taken her in front of them all.

  There may still be time for that later, but this instant was all about her.

  Here she was, sitting on his lap with her two Ulax males massaging her feet and preventing her from thrashing, and her Wudox males suckling her breasts, rubbing their bright pollen all over her.

  All of the spots along her gorgeous body were glowing as they displayed her emotions brazenly. They phased from a pleasing violet to a passionate purple, sometimes flickering to a flirty pink. Since Zirene couldn’t hear what her Circuli males did through their bonds, he depended on her spots to convey what she was experiencing.

  They never lied.

  Cupping her nether lips, Zirene caressed her slit, feeling her slickness covering his pads as he traced her valley. His lips found her neck, and she squirmed in his embrace; her desperate moans were like music to his ears. She worked his cock—either out of frustration or to tempt him to use it. He couldn’t pause to think, for his sense of control was dangling by a thread. His fellow clan brothers kept him barely grounded by taking part in this.

  Zirene slid his fingers over her increasingly drenched slit, using one hand to spread apart her nether lips as his other paw continued to stroke and tease her clit. He moved his fingers down to her silky, wet heat and carefully swirled his tip around her core’s entrance. Claws sheathed, he slowly inserted a finger into her, pressing along her walls.

  Zirene’s teeth clamped onto her mark and held her in place as he added another finger. She jerked, arching her back, pressing her breasts into her Wudox males' faces as she tried to move her legs.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  He wanted to torment her until sunrise but knew they didn’t have that much time. Tomorrow was an important day, and they needed to retire to their nestbed soon.

  Picking up his pace, Zirene slid his thick fingers in and out of his Nova’s pussy, gently at first but building to a blinding speed as she panted and moaned in his ears.